SGS and Birdwatch Ireland

Posted on : January 25, 2021

In October last Mr Michael Bell of Birdwatch Ireland came to the school to talk to the TY Sustainable Living class. He spoke to them about the richness of Irish wildlife and the many challenges our native birds and animals face. He asked the students if they would be interested in doing a survey of birds that feed in the grounds of Sligo Grammar School. A number of TYs signed up and set up a Bird Feeding Club. Sligo Tidy Towns provided sunflower seeds and lard balls for the project and our very talented maintenance men, Harry Nairn and Michael Fadian designed and made a bird feeding table. The eye-catching feeding table is in the form of a house and is brightly coloured so as not to attract rodents. It has been placed in the courtyard of the school which is quiet and peaceful and will hopefully attract garden birds.  It also has the added benefit of being just outside many classrooms so students should enjoy bird-song as they study! Unfortunately due to Lockdown the students have not been able to participate in the Birdwatch Ireland Irish Garden Bird Survey, but hopefully when school returns they will be able to get involved and log SGS bird life.  If YOU would like to get involved in the Birdwatch Ireland survey, just visit the website at


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